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Get Your Travel Vaccinations in Manchester

Anyone travelling overseas needs vaccinations. These vaccines protect you against sicknesses found in other areas of the world. At Longboon Pharmacy, we offer travel vaccinations in Manchester. You can rely on us to keep you protected as you travel the world.

In the UK, the NHS provides routine vaccinations programmes. However, the vaccines do not protect against infectious conditions found abroad.

At Longboon Pharmacy, we provide the following travel vaccines:

Meningitis Vaccines – The meningitis B vaccine provides protection against meningococcal group B bacteria which causes meningitis.

– Rabies vaccine – Although Rabies is rare, it is a very severe infection of the brain and nerves. You can get it from the scratch or bite of an infected animal, mostly a dog. A Rabies vaccine protects people at risk of getting rabies.

Tuberculosis (TB) -TB is a severe infection that attacks the lungs and occasionally other body parts, for instance, the brain (meningitis), bones, joints, and kidneys. The BCG vaccine offers protection against tuberculosis.

Hepatitis B – This is an infection of the liver as a result of a virus that spreads through body fluids and blood. The Hepatitis B vaccine offers protection to both babies and adults.

Japanese Encephalitis – This is a viral infection that infects the brain. It spreads through mosquito bites and is common in rural places in Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the Far East.

Currently, there’s only one Japanese encephalitis vaccine allowed for use in the UK. Consequently, only adults and children above 2 months old get the vaccine.

The vaccine is given as an injection, therefore you require 2 doses for complete protection. You can get the second dose 28 days after the first. However, individuals aged 18 to 64 might get the second dose 7 days after the first.

Yellow feverYellow fever is a severe infection that is spread by mosquitoes. It’s endemic in parts of Africa, South America, Central America, and Trinidad in the Caribbean. The vaccine needs enough time for it to work. Therefore, take the vaccine not less than 10 days before travelling.


Things that determine when you should go for a travel vaccine

If possible, visit Longboon Pharmacy at least 8 weeks before travelling. Other vaccines are given earlier to enable your body to build immunity. Consequently, some vaccines necessitate a number of doses given over several days, weeks, or months.

You may therefore be more at risk of some illnesses, for instance, if you’re:

– travelling in remote &  rural places
– backpacking
– camping or staying in hostels
– on a long trip instead than a package holiday

If you have a pre-existing health condition, you are more at risk of contracting a travel-related illness. Therefore, vaccines protect you against these diseases

If you planning to travel and tour the world, contact us for travel vaccinations in Manchester.

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