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Women’s Health Services in Manchester

Women’s health has complexities linked to biological and physiological differences. Some of the conditions that women experience will depend on their developmental stage, changes made to lifestyle, age and female hormonal conditions.

At Longboon Pharmacy, our pharmacists are happy to help you with those special women’s conditions, ask us about:

Period pain

– Period delay

– Menopause Symptoms

Women’s health in Manchester: Period pain

During the menstrual cycle, period pain is very common amongst women. Some experience it as a painful muscle cramping in the lower abdomen. These cramps can also extend to the back or to the thighs and their intensity will be different for every woman.

Cramps can be intense and short or dull but more continuous. It may also differ in each different cycle.

How long does period pain last?

Period pain typically begins immediately after your bleeding starts. However, you may feel it a few days before the start of periods.  Cramping normally lasts between 48 to 72 hours, although it can last longer.

Treating period pain

Generally, period cramps are mild. However, you can contact our pharmacist for a stronger painkiller if you are experiencing a lot of pain.


womens health manchester


Women’s Health in Manchester: Period delay

Period delay means holding up your normal monthly period. You may want to do this if you have an upcoming event such as a wedding, a party or simply want to go on a beach holiday without worrying about your period. Occasionally this can be achieved by using the Norethisterone pill. If you need your period delayed you can contact our pharmacists and they can help you.

The menstrual cycle

A normal menstrual cycle starts on the first day of a period and ends a day before the next period. During the first half of the menstrual cycle, oestrogen levels go up. As a result, the womb’s lining thickens in readiness for pregnancy.

Between 10 to 16 days after periods ovulation occurs. Therefore, a woman’s fertility is at its peak during this stage.

Progesterone levels rise during the second half of the menstruation cycle. As a result, the womb will prepare for likely egg implantation. The hormones level decline when egg fertilisation doesn’t occur hence the shedding of the womb lining.  This leads to menstrual bleeding. Subsequently, the cycle begins again.  A normal menstrual cycle is normally between 21 and 40 days.

Period delay pills imitate the progesterone hormone. It, therefore, ensures that progesterone levels are high. This stops the wombs’ lining from shedding consequently delaying the periods.

The Norethisterone tablet can delay periods for up to 17 days. However, use it three days before your regular period date.

Contact us for period pain and period delay services today!

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